Joe Schmutzler
Joe has been working in the energy industry for over 18 years in different capacities. He began with a small EE program management firm and then moved on to Puget Sound Energy, where he managed commercial HVAC programs. He then moved on to a local HVAC controls firm, coordinating their work with utility programs and helping utilities design rebate programs for their technology. During that period, he also helped with the Western HVAC Performance Alliance to manage groups and eventually worked as Treasurer and Chair of the Board of Directors. Experience there helped lead to a proposal that was submitted to the CLEEN Project, and was one of the top three vote-getters for the Cooling Ideas: Protecting our Communities from Extreme Heat section. The proposal was focused on HVAC technician training and apprenticeships for disadvantaged groups. Currently Joe is at a Demand Response startup firm helping to get the Energy Markets division off the ground and running in California and Texas. He has a MA in International Environmental Policy with a focus on energy and climate changes issues.